Vinyl Leggings in Spring? It's a No
May 24, 2019
Just a quick post to announce a
tip- Do NOT wear any type of PVC, leather, pleather or Vinyl pants unless it’s
pretty much sub-zero outside. I made the biggest mistake trying to attempt to
wear these in the middle of Spring and I can confirm that even though they
look good, they are NOT to be taken out of storage till it's practically snowing outside. They’re hot, uncomfortable, make weird noises when you walk and unbearable when you sit down.
They also make you sweat so if you’re going to be spending time anywhere inside
that’s warm, wear layers you can easily remove. Having said that, I love the
wet vinyl look and can’t wait to wear them again when it gets a bit colder (the things we do for fashion). I got
these leggings from I Saw It
First and they fit really well. Have you worn leather in Summer?