What to wear on a night out in the winter can be a drag sometimes especially when it's cold, windy and raining. In addition to that you start to get a somewhat ... let's say healthier appetite, and getting into those little dresses or tight jeans can prove a bit more er..hem difficult.
This is pretty much exactly what happened to me this weekend and all I can say is thank God for my Zara jumpsuit! It's so comfortable and easy to wear that all I needed to do was throw it on with a pair of heels and leather Jacket and I was done! I loved the way it sits loosely, hiding a million sins and making it mega easy for me to boogie on down. Life saver outfit the week! The month even :-)
This is pretty much exactly what happened to me this weekend and all I can say is thank God for my Zara jumpsuit! It's so comfortable and easy to wear that all I needed to do was throw it on with a pair of heels and leather Jacket and I was done! I loved the way it sits loosely, hiding a million sins and making it mega easy for me to boogie on down. Life saver outfit the week! The month even :-)