I used to be quite a runner during my school years, mainly in athletics (100m and hurdles especially) but never quite kept up with it when I moved to London. I've been thinking about getting back into running for a while now (especially as the weather is still so nice) so when Sport Shoes contacted me to review some running shoes, it was a great motivation for me to stop talking and start running.
I decided to go for the Nike Lady Free 3.0 pair as I've heard nothing but rave reviews about this range and wanted something comfortable and flexible to ease me back into the running. Obviously not looking to train for any marathons or triathlons in the foreseeable future, but I did want a good quality pair that I can wear in nicely. I went for my first mini test run last weekend ( aka a couple of laps round Hove Park) and was really impressed. I hardly felt like I had anything on my feet and they were extremely comfortable. I am determined to give running a good go as I really need to get back into shape. Watch this space!